Kathy Casper
Likes: creating tiles, gardening, hiking ,dancing to the blues, sipping tea and watching the sunrise over the Rancocas
Hi, I’m Kathy
I have been creating with clay for over 20 years. For most of those years I have been a tile maker. I am fascinated by the nature of clay and it’s endless possibilities of creating art.
I am a nature lover. There is always new things to see and learn and be inspired by. Clay is a humble item that can be found in your garden and used to make beautiful unique pieces of art. Pottery and tiles are found that are thousands of years old. We can learn and preserve history through clay. Yes, I am enamored of clay!
I hand-role out the clay, cut the tile to size, bisque fire it once and then paint glazes on the tile and fire again. This is a very simplified summary of my method. I do incorporate many different techniques as I try to express my thoughts and feelings on the simple clay squares. My tiles are a mid-range stoneware and durable for back splashes. They can also be used outside. I am honored to be a tile maker. I am humbled that my art brings pleasure to others as they connect with my imagery.